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Access the FILM
[button text=”WATCH THE FILM & PANEL DISCUSSION” color=”white” radius=”99″ link=”https://watch.eventive.org/rtbh/play/63daa9433a4f25004c738738″ target=”_blank”]
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Learn More:
[button text=”RESOURCES” color=”white” radius=”99″ link=”http://healthadvocatex/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/RTBH-RESOURCE-LIST.pdf” target=”_blank”]
[button text=”Panel Discussion” color=”white” radius=”99″ link=”https://youtu.be/86fzyS74j7U” target=”_blank”]
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In order to obtain BCPA CEs, you must complete the CE Survey after viewing the film and discussion! Please take the evaluation here:
[button text=”CE Survey” color=”alert” radius=”99″ link=”https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CE-RTBH-3-27-2023″ target=”_blank”]
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RACE to Be Human
March 27, 2023 & On-Demand until April 4, 2023
Racism and Health Equity are social justice issues vital to understand and address in the health advocacy community. There is a lack of good information so that these issues can be addressed more easily and competently by advocates and the public.
HealthAdvocateX has licensed a special screening of RACE to Be Human, a documentary that explores racism, its impact on the mental health of children and adults, and what can be done to change it. Created for schools, communities, and corporations, RACE to Be Human addresses the apprehension and confusion so many of us feel when it comes to talking about race and racism. The film examines micro-aggressions, allyship, and the role of social media. It also shares how we can participate and build empathy through conversations at home, work, and school.
The program includes strategies and tips to check ourselves and others while inspiring self-reflection so that as individuals we are more.We will follow this important movie with a Panel discussion from Health Equity and Health Advocacy Experts who will explore how race impacts health, healthcare and health equity.
- Understand terms such as Race, Racism, Privilege, Prejudice, Power and Oppression
- Define the four I’s of Oppression (Ideological, Institutional, Interpersonal, & Internalized)
- How is Health Equity related to race and racism in the health care system
- Identify specific strategies for advocates to address issues of race and racism in the practice of health advocacy
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