“Ozempic Face”: The Facts and Media’s Spin on Anti-Obesity Medications

This Community Conversation from HealthAdvocateX dives into the media frenzy surrounding anti-obesity medications like Ozempic. Our presenter, Dr. Samantha Pabich, will separate facts from misconceptions, clarifying what these drugs do, how they work, and addressing the sensationalist claims. Join us as we parse through the media’s spin, uncovering the truth about these medications and their real impact on health.

Learning Objectives:
1) Define what these drugs are, possible side-effects and their safety record.

2) Why would we need to take these drugs forever and is that a good fact?

3) Where do we stand on generic versions of this drug?

4) What are the health benefits of these drugs?

About the Presenter:

Sam Pabich (MD, MPH) is a Wisconsin-based endocrinologist, obesity medicine specialist, public health/clinical researcher, bike commuter and mother of two tiny dictators. She is devoted to promoting understanding of obesity as a chronic disease, and taking initiatives to prevent it and treat it.

Course Curriculum

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