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Beth Droppert, RN

Board Member

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Beth has a long-lived passion for healthcare advocacy. After a 35-year career in nursing, which began at the University of Pennsylvania hospital in direct patient care. Beth specialized in Critical Care Nursing, working in management at the University of Washington Hospital. She co-founded a clinical research monitoring company, Pacific Coast Clinical Coordinators Inc., which helped companies manage clinical trials. She was a consultant for several Biopharmaceutical companies to providing training, set up and management of clinical trials. She is a founding member and advisory board member of the National Association of Healthcare Advocacy Consultants (NAHAC).  She has been involved in the process of credentialing patient advocates. She co-founded Allied Health Advocates in 2008, the first independent health advocacy company in Washington state. She also co-founded and is a current board member Washington State Health Advocacy Association (WASHAA), a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting health advocacy in Washington State, empowering patients and improving healthcare outcomes.

Besides her passion for everyone to have a better health care experience, Beth enjoys her family, skiing, biking, running, swimming, hiking and good friends.

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