Wellguide Advocacy

Working at:

About My Services:
- Type(s) of Advocacy: Administrative, Cancer, End of Life, Health Insurance, Health Management, Medical / Navigational, Older Adult Services
- Chronic Pain and Complex, chronic conditions
As a young child diagnosed with Epilepsy, I learned early on the need and value of advocating for yourself in both the healthcare world and in the school and/or workplace.
After experiencing some challenging issues resulting in sub-par care and watching some close friends experience the same, I became involved in patient advocacy. I started offering pro-bono work assisting friends, family, and acquaintances with their health care and billing challenges.
I have worked as a public health professional in both community health and higher education settings. This provided an in-depth understanding of the issues patients and caregivers face navigating the complex healthcare system but also gave insight into the challenges providers face trying to deliver care.
My passion is educating, empowering, and helping patients successfully navigate the system to get the care they need and deserve. I thoroughly enjoy assisting patients in resolving their healthcare-related issues and take pride in being a supportive ally and resource for them.
Geographical Area(s) Served: I service clients nationally through telehealth and limit in-person to Southwestern New Hampshire.
Additional Information:
- Accepting New Clients
Education & Paid Advocacy Experience:
- Masters of Pain Research, Education and Policy and a Masters of Acupuncture.
- started my business in early 2024
Licensed information:
- Licensed Professional: No
- Educational Advocacy Certification: Yes