Nancy Ruffner - Patient Advocate - Aging Expert
Contact Information
Nancy Ruffner
Patient Advocate
(919) 628-4428
114 Evans Grove Road, Piedmont, SD 29673
About My Services:
- Type(s) of Advocacy: Medical / Navigational, Older Adult Services, Social Work, Other, Health Management
- Providing online consulting in healthcare navigation, patent advocacy and eldercare matters to clients and their loved ones. Solo Aging and aging successfully. In addition, I offer individualized coaching for healthcare entrepreneurs new and young in business (visibility, messaging, marketing to gain new clients and grow their practices). I serve as a Mentor within professional organizations for their membership.
Patient Advocate, consultant, speaker and coach. I consult with both clients and their loved ones to navigate their concerns, I journey with, providing education, lay of land and support. Seasoned professional with experience in service delivery, communication and lay-of-land vantage point among professionals, providers and resources. Plans, back up plans, education (How Stuff Works), "How to say it" and more. I have served as an adjunct Instructor at Duke and NC State University's lifelong learning programs teaching patient safety and navigation and I am a public speaker on topics such as patient safety, remaining safe in the hospital, "Solo" aging, aging-in-place or moving. I "triage" to help right the ship and guide you to "Build Your Team". Let's talk about our needs in Complimentary Consultation. My job is to get you where you need to be.
Geographical Area(s) Served: Across the United States
Education & Paid Advocacy Experience:
- Bachelor of Science, Social Work, Graduate Certificate Counselor Communication (GCCE)
- Regular attendee of trainings available. It is important for me to remain current so that I may best assist clients.
- 11+
Licensed information:
- Licensed Professional: No
- Educational Advocacy Certification: No